KBShimmer Snow Unique

Collection: Polish Pickup
Rating: 5.0
Size: 15.0 ml
Polish Pickup November 2022: Tis the Season Inspired by snowflakes. There's something special about heading outdoors on a crisp winter's day as the sky sprinkles fat flakes of snow. Fuzzy gloves offer a perfect canvas for examining those unique pieces of seasonal art we call snowflakes. As pine boughs and house roofs are blanketed in white, those six-sided flakes turn even the most mature adults into kids, sticking out tongues to catch those frozen flakes. Each utterly unique, watching those myriad designs of frozen crystals falling is awe-inspiring! A shimmery shade that echoes the prismatic colors of an icy snowflake. A soft mint color in the bottle, when applied, this special shimmer blend takes on a soft blue hue that quickly boasts hues of pink, coral, green, yellow, and orange.
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