Rogue Lacquer Supernatural Roguery

Collection: Polish Pickup
Size: 13.0 ml
Polish Pickup November 2023: Fairy Tales & Folklore A frighteningly deep blackberry base with a sprinkling of magenta/orange flakes, a dash of holo flakes and an intense shimmer showing off a red and gold aurora glow. Morgan le Fay: A powerful and ambiguous enchantress from the legend of King Arthur. Her first appearance in literature is in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s "The Life of Merlin." Although she is the half-sister of King Arthur and understood as his enemy, she is also a healer. However, Inspired by Morgan Le Fay that is generally thought to be evil and extremely dangerous and has become known as a classic seductress, who lures men in with her mystical wiles, and causes all kinds of supernatural roguery.
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